Saraswati Clere - Founder

Saraswati Clere, ERYT500, is an Award-winning film-maker and the owner of Yoga Kula. Her primary focus since opening has been to offer the highest quality yoga education and teacher trainings. She has since graduated about 80 successful teachers into the work force and employs many graduates at Yoga Kula.

Saraswati is well known for her ability to convey the essence of the wisdom teachings of yoga with exceptional clarity, insight, and relevance to students of all levels and from all walks of life. Saraswati teaches with a combination of rigor and challenge balanced with sensitivity, humor, and compassion.

Her classes weave together the technical precision of refined alignment-based practice with an ever-present awareness of the great wisdom of yoga philosophy distilled from decades of intensive study and practice.

Teaching for more than two decades, Saraswati shares the depth of her experience and knowledge to reveal a uniquely accessible, authentic and integrated approach to yoga. She empowers students with tools to deepen their understanding and inspires them to embrace asana as a path for expansive self-discovery and inner growth.

A seasoned trainer and mentor of new teachers, she offers yearly Yoga Teacher Training programs, online and in-person that fuel the inner journey of yoga teachers and students from around the globe.

Saraswati is the founder of Yoga Kula, Berkeley’s seminal place for the practice of Alignment-based, Heart-centered Hatha Yoga.

Saraswati is a certified Anusara Yoga teacher, and has been a dedicated student of Iyengar Yoga for more than 20 years.

E-RYT 500
YACEP Licensed Continuing Education Provider
Anusara Certified